Saturday, January 19, 2008

Lesson Six

Lesson Six
Hopefully you are all having great fun with your boards. Lesson Six I am going to get specific to a learning topic, division, mostly because I just finished fishing out these sites for another smartboard user and I thought I might as well share them with everyone. For the beginners I am going to ask you to just try out the lesson sites and downloads. For the advanced I am going to show you how to search for such items for yourselves.


Go to this site:

in the search box type "division" and two links will come up.

The numberline applet demonstrates how division works on a number line. Hit the little division symbol at the bottom and then hit the "go" button at the top. Watch what happens. You can select "new problem" to see many different examples.

If you hit the internet "back" button, you can then check out the other link. The rectangle division link takes you to an applet that demonstrates division in rows and columns (great for showing what remainders actually mean). Use the little scroll bar on the left to change the factors (divisor and quotient). Use the up down arrows next to the number to change the dividend. Fun stuff for "seeing" division in action.

If you want something different, try this link:

Go to the above site. Select the "View all" hyperlink under "United States."

Then in the search box type "division," you will get four downloadable notebook lessons--pick one or all to download and try out. I find these lessons are usually pretty good. I think once they are downloaded you can simply link on them and your notebook software will open.

Hope that gives you some fun!

Advanced Users

Try the lesson above--meant for beginners EXCEPT--use the search boxes to find things specifically of interest to YOU. The first site (Virtual Library of Math Manipulatives) has many incredible math resources that work wonderfully with a smartboard. The second site is a searchable database of all lesson topics. These topics and lessons are designed by teachers and the database is provided by smarttech. You can even add your own lessons to share with others.


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