Sunday, December 16, 2007

Results of our Poll.

Well, looks like our most common smartboard uses are "as a whiteboard," "as an advanced overhead," and "as a way to access tools and sites on the Internet." I thought more would report using it for writing revision, and editing, but interestingly not. Please let us know what types of smartboard lessons you want by participating in the new poll.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Lesson Five

If your smartboard seems to be receiving no signal--try touching the RGB button on your remote. It may be that your projector has been accidentally clicked off of the smartboard setting. Happens occasionally...


A wonderful review lesson that will take you 2 minutes exactly. Click on this link:
Then go to the "Touch, Write, and Save" 2 minute tutorial link.

Have fun!


Click on "Notebook's Software Gallery" and enjoy the two minute tutorial that takes you through the basics of using the gallery objects.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Lesson Four

The poll revealed that we have 15 active users of this blog and we are a split group--half have only had smartboards for a few months (if that long) and half have had boards for more than two years. I guess we will keep the beginner-advanced format for a while. Answer the new poll at the right to help us learn what people use their boards for most.


How to open this blog and use your board at the same time:
1. You may just open the blog the same as you do on your computer, only do it with your finger instead of the mouse when using the smartboard.
2. As soon as the blog is open, you can use your finger to hit hyperlinks and try out those activities and sites. Don't forget that once you hit on a hyperlink and go to an Internet site, you will have to hit your "back" key to navigate back to blogger.

Another way if you want blogger AND your notebook open so that you can try out my instructions as you read:

1. First open blogger--then use the button on the top right corner of the window (that, in fact, looks like a window)--That button, the maximize/minimize button, allows you to make the blogger window any size that you would like it to be.(You can size the window the same way that you size clipart). Hit the button and then drag the sides of the screen to the size you would like the screen to be.(You will see a double arrow symbol when you hold the cursor over the sides of the window).

2. Open your notebook software (remember--smartboard toolbar--you can use the bottom right corner icon--small white board). Again--use the button on the top right corner of the window to make the notebook any size you want it to be.

3. Size blogger and notebook to fit side by side on your smartboard. This will allow you to read the blog and try the notebook side by side.

A third way is just to open both blogger and notebook, then use minimize window to go from one application to the other.


Are you aware of "ink aware?" Ink Aware is a special application that links smartboard applications to commonly used software like Word or Excel. When you open Word or Excel on a smartboard a special toolbar appears that allows you to use the write-on-board features in concert with the software.

For instance, open a Word document. In the Word document, take out a pen and choose a place to write a comment or make a mark. When you touch the first smartboard icon that is now part of your Word toolbar, the writing you just put on the word document turns into an image--like clipart--that will stay on your document when you save it.

The second icon allows you to put the cursor at a spot on the word document and then write any letters of the alphabet using the smartboard markers. Tapping the icon will turn the letters you wrote into type at the spot where you left the cursor!

The third icon is a camera and it allows you to instantly take a picture of the word document that you are working on. The picture is then available in the notebook software which is now minimized at the bottom of your screen or else available in another window.

A wonderful 2 minute tutorial on "ink aware" is available at
